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Thursday, July 9, 2009

What Can I Do as Individual?

Here are some pointers on what you can do to help the animal abuse to stop.

- Visit the myspace page of one of the animal organizations such as HSUS, Farm Sanctuary, ASPCA, PETA, WSPA, and others and check out their blogs for something they may need help with. There’s always legislation working that needs a letter of your support, or an email that needs to be sent to a company conducting animal abuse.

- Share the reason you are vegan or vegetarian with a friend or a perfect stranger. The more people hear it the better.

- Send a donation, however small, to an animal organization. We love the work they do but they can’t do it without our resources.

- Share the “Opus One” video with someone.

- Leave a comment for an animal org on their myspace thanking them for their hard work.

- If you know of a restaurant in your area that does not offer veggie friendly options, email or call them to ask that they start doing so.

- Email clothing companies who are still selling clothes with fur and ask that they stop.

- Whenever you hear of a company that is stepping up to the plate to make change for the good of animals, send them a quick email to thank them.

- If you find a restaurant locally who is offering Foie Gras or Veal on their menu, send them a polite email letting them know what the animals go through to become these dishes. Sometimes they have no idea and will actually pull them from the menu.

- Send an email to your local grocery store to thank them for the veggie options they offer. We need to keep these options coming and they like to hear from their customers.

Source: Kakii


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