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Monday, October 10, 2011


Here are the T-Shirt Designs that will be available for voting onWednesday, October 12th.From left to right, the order is as follows: Shirt Front, Back, SleevesSave a Life:Compassion:Nurture Our Planet:Helping Hand:Got Blood?:Keep Calm:Volunte...

Sunday, October 2, 2011


AdviserMr. Courtenay PearsonRoom B-40PresidentAdeleine TranGrade: 11thVice-PresidentCindy TranGrade: 12thMembersAira CalderonAlbert NguyenAlex NguyenAlexandra VoAlix ThoiAngela LawAnnie HuangArthur BautistaBetty PhamCarolyn SomvilayCharlene SalamatChristian GrahamChristina FisherChristine SantosColleen LyDaniel BarbaritaDiane TranElizabeth PhamEtienne ElsasserSecretaryJennifer NguyenGrade: 1thTreasurerGretchen RecioGrade: 12thPublic RelationsDiane TranGrade: 9thFengting WuIzette AsuncionJason KaufmanJimmy TrinhJoshric AureaJulie TruongKevin LangKevin TonLeona NgoMarilyn NguyenMary ZhangMorgan ReitanoMyra FlorencianoNick ThipsiclakhomPriya KaurSaveen ChadolawadeThuy DoanTricia CorralesVincent Ngu...


AdviserMr. Courtenay PearsonRoom B-40PresidentDiane TranGrade: 11thMembersAlijay OmarAlix ThoiAllen DaluzAndy WuAriel CutterBenjamin LamCarl NazaireCarolyn SomvilayChristina FisherChristine LuuClarisse CrisostomoDan NguyenDaniel BarbaritaDarlene DeogaygayDemitra HoangDominic TranGianne RayandayanJason KaufmanJennie HuynhJennifer LuuJimmy TrinhSecretaryAlex NguyenGrade: 11thVice-PresidentBetty PhamGrade: 11thJoshric AureaKalvin MoralesKenny HoangKenny TranKevin TonKim LamKimberly NguyenKristine TranLuis BaunLynda TaLynn LaNhu Xuan HoRichard NguyenRyan De JesusShaina RazonSteven ZaKravskyTrung NhamVincent NguyenVincent NguyenVanessa Ngu...


AdviserMr. Courtenay PearsonRoom B-40PresidentDiane TranGrade: 11thVice-PresidentBetty PhamGrade: 11thMembersAaron BautistaAlicia NguyenAlijay OmarAlix ThoiAllen DaluzAlven EusantosAndrew NguyenAndy WuAngela NguyenAngie NguyenAnh Mai DinhAriel CutterBenjamin LamBradley TranBrandon NguyenBrian NguyenBrian ThoiCandice PhouthakesoneCarl NazaireCarolyn SomvilayCathy DoCharlynne DeguzmanChris TranChristina FisherChristina HoChristine LuuClarisse CrisostomoColleen LyDan DinhDan NguyenDaniel BarbaritaDanielle AmbrosioDarlene DeogaygayDavid NguyenDavid TaDemitra HoangDennis BachDiana QuachDominic TranEarvin Jae AmpostaElijah GrayEstella HoangFletcher HurleyHayley HeathHyangmin (Henry)KimJason KaufmanJennie HuynhJennifer LuuJimmy TrinhSecretaryAlex NguyenGrade: 11thTreasurerKimberly NguyenGrade: 11thPublic...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

T-Shirt Design Contest

Shirt Template: Front BackLogo: RC Youth LogoShirt Requirements:• Must be school appropriate• Have no more than 3 colors (shirt color does not count)• Must have the words MMHS American Red Cross on the shirtOR Marauders Red Cross• Must have the logo on it somewhere LOGO MUST NOT BE ALTERED• Be related to Red Cross!Submissions:• Can be either a sketch or done on computer(preferably .png/.psd format but .jpg will be accepted)• Can be emailed or handed in on paper (only if it is a sketch/drawing)• IF DONE ON COMPUTER (eg. Photoshop, Illustrator, etc):- be at least 300dpi- CYMK mode- separated layers, DO NOT MERGE/FLATTEN LAYERS- the dimensions...

October Events

** Involve volunteer work (shifts) 10/02/11 Sunday**10am-3pm19th Annual Open HouseCity of Coronado Fire Departmentshifts: 9:30am-11:30am; 11am-1pm; 12pm-2pm; 1pm-3pm1001 Sixth StreetCoronado, CA 9211810/08/11 Saturday**8am-12pmLemon Grove Fire DepartmentLemon Grove Fire Department 7853 Central Avenue Lemon Grove, CA 91945Shifts: 8am-10am; 9:30am-12pm10/08/11 Saturday**10am-4pmSears Community Outreach Awareness Event4575 La Jolla Village Dr. San Diego, Ca. 92122Shifts: 10:30am-12:30pm 12pm-2pm 1:30pm-3:30pm10/08/11 Saturday**10am-2pmHeartland Fire & Rescue, El Cajon Fire Open House, Safety & Career ExpoEl Cajon Fire Department 100 E. Lexington Avenue El Cajon, Ca. 92020shifts: 9:30am-11:30am; 11am-1pm; 12pm-2pm10/08/11 Saturday9am-2pmHealth Fairthe church of latter day saints 527 9th...

Past Events

2011/2012SeptemberOctober2010/2011* 9/25/10 - Mira Mesa Street Fair* 10/27/10 - MMHS Red Cross Club T-Shirt Design Contest* 12/05/10 - CPR Across America* 1/08/11 Tet Festival Volunteer Orientation and Potluck Picnic* 1/28/11-1/30/11 - San Diego Lunar New Year Tet Festival* 3/19/11 - CPR Saturday* 3/19/11 - San Diego Undy 5000 5K Run/Walk* 3/20/11 - San Diego 5K Walk for Water* 4/02/11 - Operation City Hunt* 4/02/11 - Paddle for Autism Awareness* 4/06/11 - Preparation of Donation Materials for Japan* 3/01/11-4/13/11 - Words Alive Book Drive* 4/14/11 - Distribution of Donation Materials for Japan* 5/5/11 - Rotation of Donation Materials for Japan* 5/20/11 - World Fair* 5/28/11 - MMHS Marauder Red Cross Picnic* Japan Disaster Relief Fundraiser2009/2010* 4/2/09 - Youth Council, 5-6:30pm. Must...


Club Advisor: Mr. PearsonEnglish Teacher, Room B-40Courtenay Shawn Pearson was born in a poor suburb of East London. His parents, working class commoners, instilled a strong work ethic and respect for authority which eventually led him to pursue a career in law enforcement. Labelled "psychologically unsound" by his superiors, Courtenay eventually emigrated "across the pond" as a result of his hatred of the British Crown, and love for Uncle Sam. An aficionado of ancient sailing techniques, Courtenay fashioned a small schooner out of toilet paper tubes and christened her S.S. Boomdaddy. His small craft eventually landed in San Diego where fell...

The Dream Team

President: Diane TranGrade: 11A majestic person of many talents.Vice-President: Betty PhamGrade: 11A little girl who likes rabbits and bananas. And so she has 6 rabbits and 4 chickens. Chickens are kind of cute, but if you think about their behaviors and mannerisms, they aren't very cute at all. She also has a ring finger that's longer than her index, if you know what that means. Anyway, have a chocolate and enjoy your day.Secretary: Alex NguyenGrade: 11World War Two fanatic/enthusiast, Wrestler, and Badminton player, Alex is quite the fellow. He likes biking and sitting on benches on cold days and he spends his free time biking and exercising.Treasurer: Kimberly NguyenGrade: 11Is secretly a unicorn.Public Relations Officer: Gianne RayandayanGrade: 11Off in Wonderland. She is Alice and ready...

About Us

The Red Cross Club at Mira Mesa is solely dedicated to the promotion of safety and welfare not only at the high school but throughout the community as well. The Club was founded by science teacher, Mr. Don Boccio. We are a brand new club and affiliated branch with the San Diego/Imperial Counties Chapter Red Cross. Some missions that we hope to accomplish include but are not limited to: educating elementary kids on emergency preparedness, selling first aid packs, providing aids during emergency, and staging other fundraising events to help donate to the Red Cross and the millions of victims in needs. Our top priority is to lend a helping hand to anyone any way we can, regardless of who they a...
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